
How to play

Countryle vs Geographle

Rather than the streetview and map elements of Geographle - Countryle relies on your knowledge of the variously different characteristics of countries.By relying on information about the hemisphere, continent, temperature, population and coordinates of countries, you have to track down the day's daily country.

Good as it is, let's see how Countryle stacks up against Geographle, the latest geography based iterative guessing game to take the internet by storm!

GeographleGeographle Preview
Free to play?Completely free to play with no restrictionsFree to play with no restrictions
Daily puzzles?New puzzle available every dayDaily challenges available
Build your own puzzles?Create and share custom puzzlesNo custom puzzle creation
Multiple guesses allowed?Multiple attempts allowed per puzzleMultiple guesses permitted
Game based around geolocating a streetview?A fresh streetview generated for every puzzle!Game mechanics do not include streetview or geolocation